Premier Stain Cleaner
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Premier Stain Cleaner is a low odour alkaline and solvent based stain remover. This product has been designed to remove both ink and diazo staining quickly.
This is our strongest most effective Haze Remover. If you want a lower strength Haze Remover go for the KC Haze Remover.
Instructions For Use
To remove stains from mesh caused by ink or stencil residues:
1. Apply Universal Stainclean to both sides of the wet mesh with a soft brush.
2. Allow to stand for 5 minutes only. (Longer periods can be detrimental to polyester mesh)
3. Hose off thoroughly with water, then use a high pressure water gun, and dry.
Pantone Solid Coated - v5
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Your chosen colour
We need to know your print conditions so we can test the ink in the same conditions to ensure conformity.